Ma Yun | 'Retirement' | Zhang Yong takes over

Today is Teacher's Day, I wish all teachers and teachers of the world a happy day!

But the biggest news today is not the arrival of Teacher's Day, but Ma Yun 'retirement', he officially announced the successor of Alibaba Group.

Ma Yun said in an open letter, 'Today, one year later, on September 10, 2019, Alibaba's 20th anniversary, I will no longer serve as the chairman of the Alibaba Group's board of directors. The current Alibaba Group CEO Zhang Yong (Xiaoyao) will take over the chairmanship of the board of directors. . '

He also declared, 'I will fully cooperate with Zhang Yong from today to prepare for the transition of our organization. After September 10, 2019, I will continue to serve on the Alibaba Group's board of directors until 2020 Alibaba's annual shareholders. Assembly. '

All along, many netizens are 'breaking their hearts' for the successor of Alibaba Group. After talking about Ma Yun, who can 'handle' this huge group.

The whole thing spread, from the foreign media "New York Times" to the domestic first-level media to the major self-media, and selected the news on September 10th Teacher's Day, the whole event is called a 'successful public relations'.

In the eyes of many people, Ma Yun is a very powerful person, perhaps called the 'representative' of China's early Internet entrepreneurs. From three college entrance examinations to university teachers, the establishment of English translation agencies to China Yellow Pages and Alibaba, Ma Yun's entrepreneurship The story is obviously very distinctive.

Since the founding of Alibaba in 1999, Ma Yun and the team led the company to develop rapidly, and its business has continued to expand and finally 'get out of the crowd'. After 19 years of development, Alibaba has become one of the most well-known Internet companies in China, and its business involves Taobao. Cat, Juhua, AliExpress, Alibaba International Exchange, 1688, Ali Mama, Alibaba Cloud, Ant Financial, Rookie Network, etc., covering e-commerce, logistics, finance, cloud computing, advertising and many other sectors.

At present, Alibaba ranks 300th in the Fortune Global 500, with revenues of more than 200 billion in fiscal year 2018 and a market value of more than 400 billion US dollars.

As the tiger sniffing author Zhou Chaochen summed up well : 'The entrepreneur-created Alibaba and Ant Financial have changed the Chinese people's spending habits, shopping habits and payment methods, and are profoundly changing all aspects of the Chinese economy.'

In the author's opinion, Alibaba and Ma Yun have achieved each other. As one of the most successful entrepreneurs in China, Ma Yun is good at speeches, eloquent, with a tongue-in-cheek, tongue-like lotus, and his quotations can be ten. book.

In the 19-year development of Alibaba, in the first 10 years, Ma Yun focused on the company's business. Later, he slowly faded out the specific business and handed it over to Zhang Yong (Xiaoyao Zi) and other Alibaba leaders. So, Ma Yun He began to be a guest of politicians of various countries, and discussed issues such as e-WTP (Electronic World Trade Platform), charity and innovation development.

In the process, Zhang Yong, who graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, began to emerge. Zhang Yong is currently the chief executive of Alibaba Group and a founding member of Alibaba. He joined Alibaba Group in 2007 as the chief financial officer of Taobao.

From Taobao to Tmall, Double Eleven to the Rookie Network and Tmall International, Zhang Yong led Alibaba to get the 'ship ticket' of the mobile Internet, successfully entering the mobile Internet from the PC Internet, and the transformation was successful. For example, it has become the world's largest mobile consumer life platform.

Ma Yun commented on Zhang Yong, 'Zhang Yong has been in Alibaba for 11 years. Since he became CEO of Alibaba Group, he has demonstrated outstanding business talent and determined leadership. He has achieved healthy and sustained growth in Alibaba's performance for 13 consecutive quarters. He has supercomputer-like logic and thinking ability, firmly believes in mission vision, has the courage to take responsibility, is fully committed, and dares to stand in the future to innovate and design new business models and formats. He was named China's best CEO in 2018, this Honor is well deserved! He and his team have won the trust and support of customers, employees and shareholders.'

In order to succeed, Ma Yun has been preparing for 10 years. In the past 10 years, Ali has been different. 'Alibaba has completed its corporate system from relying on personal traits to relying on organizational mechanisms and relying on talent culture.' Ma Yun said in an open letter.

If a company can only rely on one person to develop, then this company is destined to live a long life. And Ma Yun’s dream is, 'Let the company last for 102 years', so that it can span three centuries. Now Alibaba, although lost Ma Yun will not have the previous 'glare', but a good system and enforcement mechanism will allow it to live longer!

The following is an open letter from Ma Yun:

happy teacher's Day!: )

Dear Alibaba customers, Ali, Alibaba shareholders:

Today is the 19th anniversary of Alibaba. I am excited to announce to you: With the approval of the board of directors, one year later, on September 10, 2019, Alibaba 20th Anniversary, I will no longer serve as a director of Alibaba Group. Chairman of the Board, the current CEO of Alibaba Group, Zhang Yong (Xiaoyao Zi) will take over the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors. I will fully cooperate with Zhang Yong from today to prepare for the transition of our organization. After September 10, 2019, I will continue to serve on the Alibaba Group Board of Directors until the 2020 Alibaba Annual General Meeting.

This is my deliberate, carefully prepared 10-year plan, which was realized today, thanks to the recognition of Alibaba partners, thanks to the approval of the Alibaba Board of Directors, and to all Alibaba colleagues and their families, The trust, support and joint efforts of the past 19 years have given us enough confidence and ability to meet this day. This marks Alibaba's completion of the corporate system from relying on individual traits to relying on organizational mechanisms and relying on talent culture. .

In 1999, when we started Alibaba with everyone, we are determined to establish a company that is proud of China and the world, so that the company can last for 102 years. We know that no one can accompany the company for 102 years, and the company's sustainable development depends on governance. Institutions, cultural systems, and a steady stream of talented people, companies can't rely on just a few founders, not to mention that I know that from the perspective of ability, energy, and physical strength, no one can ever serve as the company's CEO and chairman forever. 10 years ago, we asked ourselves this question. How to ensure that Alibaba is still developing healthily after Ma Yun leaves the company? We believe that only by establishing a system, forming a unique culture, training and training a succession system for a large number of talents, In order to solve the problem of enterprise inheritance and development, we have never stopped working hard and practicing for the past ten years.

My education has made me a teacher. I am very fortunate to be able to go today. I am responsible for the future of the company and I am responsible for it. I should let the younger, more capable and talented people in the company take the leadership and continue to inherit. Let the world have no difficult business. This great mission. We help the small and medium-sized enterprises, young people, women's mission and vision of the world to excite us. This is our initial heart, our blessing and responsibility, really Believing and realizing such a mission requires more Ma Yun, and several generations of Ali people to fight for it.

Today's Alibaba's greatest thing is not its business, its scale and its achievements. The most remarkable thing is that we have become a true mission-driven enterprise. We have created a new partnership mechanism, our unique culture and goodwill. The tide of talented teams has laid a solid institutional foundation for the company's heritage. In fact, since the beginning of my CEO in 2013, we have been operating smoothly for 5 years.

The partnership mechanism we created creatively solves the problem of innovation of large-scale companies, leaders' inheritance problems, future power issues and cultural heritage issues. Over the past few years, we have continuously researched and improved our system and talent culture system, relying solely on No one can solve the problem by people or institutions. Only the perfect combination of institutions, people and culture can make the company healthy and sustainable. I am convinced that today's Alibaba partner system and the culture defended by Alibaba will become more and more important in time. Win the support and support of customers, employees and shareholders.

Since the founding of 1999, we have proposed that the future Alibaba must have a 'good team' talent team and an iterative development successor system. After 19 years of hard work, today's Alibaba is the quality and quantity of talent. I am a world-class teacher. As a teacher, I see our team today, the leadership group, the unique culture driven by mission values, and the emergence of a large number of outstanding business leaders and professionals represented by Zhang Yong. I am very proud!

Zhang Yong has been in Alibaba for 11 years. Since he became the CEO of Alibaba Group, he has demonstrated outstanding business talent and determined leadership. He has achieved healthy and sustained growth in Alibaba's performance for 13 consecutive quarters. He has supercomputer-like logic. And thinking ability, convinced of mission vision, courage to take responsibility, full commitment, dare to stand in the future to innovate and design new business models and formats. He was named China's best CEO in 2018, this honor is well deserved! He and his The team has won the trust and support of customers, employees and shareholders. Alibaba's relay torch is handed over to him and his team, I think this is the most correct decision I should make now. I have been with Zhang Yong in recent years. The cooperation and cooperation experience, let me have confidence in him and his new generation of Alibaba leadership team!

As for my own future development, I still have many wonderful dreams. Everyone knows that I am a free person. Besides continuing to work as an Alibaba partner and contributing to the partnership organization mechanism, I want to return to education and do What I love will make me very excited and happy. Besides, the world is so big, I am still young, I want to try a lot of things, what if I achieve it?! I can promise everyone that Ali has never belonged to Ma Yun. , but Ma Yun will always belong to Ali.

Ma Yun

September 10, 2018

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