Recently, Loop Industries and PepsiCo, the leading technology innovators in the sustainable plastics industry, announced that they have reached a multi-year supply agreement. PepsiCo can purchase the capacity of Loop's joint venture plant in the US and will make 100% recycled materials in early 2020. The PET plastic marked by Loop is included in the product packaging of PepsiCo.

As the demand for sustainable packaging solutions continues to grow, Loop Industries has developed truly revolutionary technologies that can transform, recycle and reuse non-valued and low-value plastics into new, original, uninterrupted Material LoopTM brand PET plastic. This innovation allows any color, any transparency and any condition of plastic bottles and packaging, carpets, clothing and other polyester (polyester) textiles that may contain colors, dyes or additives, even by the sun And marine plastics degraded by salt can meet the requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration for food-grade packaging.
As one of the largest buyers of recycled PET plastics in the consumer goods sector, PepsiCo has identified LoopTM brand PET as a commercially viable technology to expand the use of recyclable materials in its product packaging to help meet the company's sustainable development. Goals and consumer needs. The agreement is aligned with the 'Pepsi's Commitment' vision and highlights the company's commitment to adopting different and innovative approaches to the challenges of plastics and waste.
Dr. Mehmood Khan, Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of PepsiCo, said: 'Loop's technology ensures that PepsiCo becomes the leading force in never letting plastic packaging become waste. This partnership marks a major achievement for PepsiCo in creating a plastic recycling economy. Progress. '
Daniel Solomita, founder and CEO of Loop Industries, said, 'We are proud to offer LoopTM brand PET plastics to PepsiCo. Working with global food and beverage giants like PepsiCo will further establish the value proposition of the LoopTM brand and The mission is to accelerate the global transition to sustainable plastics and abandon the traditional economic methods of acquisition, manufacturing and disposal.
The agreement will also include a marketing and communications program to raise awareness of the importance of reuse, sustainability and recycling economy.