Microplastics are not only in the sea, it may still be in our bodies.
In 2004, British scientists first proposed the concept of micro-plastics in the journal "SCIENCE". Since then, many researchers have invested in the research of micro-plastics and published many important results, making micro-plastic pollution cause global attention. .

Microplastics: Not just for the dining table 'generation of salt', I have already invaded your life.
At present, the definition of micro-plastics is plastic fibers with a particle size of less than 5 mm. Particles or films are micro-plastics. In fact, many micro-plastics can reach micro- or even nano-scale, due to their widespread presence in the marine environment and the safety of marine ecology. It poses a potential threat and is therefore visually compared to the 'PM2.5' in the ocean. Microplastics have a primary, secondary: 'native' microplastics are those that are small in size when manufactured/ 1. "Secondary" microplastics are plastic fragments that are broken down by plastics that are exposed to the ground or in the sea.
Microplastic pollution is still in the sea? No, it has invaded the human body.
Although the concept of marine micro-plastic pollution has gradually become known to the public in recent years, the public has been arguing for a considerable period of time that although this pollution is widely distributed in the ocean, there is still a distance for our lives, but according to the recent In a few studies over time, we can see that these invisible white pollution has long been surrounded and invaded our lives.
A new study was published at the European Union of Gastroenterology Week in Vienna on October 22. The study confirmed for the first time that as many as nine different types of microplastics were found in humans.
A recent study by researchers at Incheon National University found that more than 90% of the sample salt brands in the world's 39 different salt brands were found to contain microplastics. The most micro-plastic content is sea salt from Asia, only 3 in the survey. The samples survived.

The sample of seawater micro-plastic content distribution maps from all over the world: Greenpeace
Recently, a US agency conducted more than 150 tap water tests in several cities around the world. The results showed that 83% of tap water contains micro-plastic components.
In April of this year, Mexican scientists found microplastics in the soil, in the cockroach, in the hen's stool and in the stomach.
In addition to various scientific research reports, in recent years, there have been reports of the presence of micro-plastics in seafood, beer, and bottled water, such as oysters.
According to the above research on salt, in the case of non-Asian regions, the average number of plastic particles per person per year through salt intake has reached hundreds, not to mention the amount of food intake through drinking water, drinking water and other channels. These invisible particles that cannot be touched are transported through the water, the airflow and the food chain, and finally we are ingested and enriched as terminals. This explains why the research at the Vienna Society can be used in 8 places around the world. Volunteers found nine kinds of micro-plastic granules of different sizes. Although it is not known how plastic particles affect humans, by studying the animals and plants that also contain plastic particles in the body, plastic particles are basically harmful to the human body. And no one benefits.

The micro-plastic figure visible to the naked eye after being sampled by sea salt is derived from Greenpeace
Microplastics have long invaded the air we breathe, the water we drink, the delicacies on the table... it is everywhere in our lives.
How is the plastic 'encirclement' broken?
Looking at the sources of these plastic particles, we can easily find that they come from all kinds of plastic packaging that we have abandoned, all kinds of disposable plastic products, even the facial cleanser with plastic beads used by beauty lovers, in the light, wind Under the influence of ocean currents, they become countless plastic particles that we can't see.
In recent years, with emerging industries such as e-commerce and take-out, which are booming in Asian countries, the plastic waste generated in Asia has also added to the already tense environment. In areas where plastic waste is discharged, people take photos through various channels. The more micro-plastics you enter.

Solving the problem of particles is to save the environment, but also to save ourselves. On the one hand, it is the most effective way to reduce micro-plastics. On the other hand, it is the most effective way to control.
Consumers develop a good sense and try to reduce the use of disposable plastic products in daily life. For example, when shopping, choose to bring environmental protection bags, and after the delivery, the packaging is reused; the company takes social responsibility and introduces more environmentally friendly. Product packaging, etc., reduce the use of disposable plastic products from the source; at the same time, we also hope that the government and some organizations can implement the corresponding policies and establish a good recycling system to promote the realization and development of plastic reduction.