A beverage manufacturer in Berlin, Germany, recently launched a 100% recyclable PET water bottle and received a consensus on the development of the KHS Group's bottle design technology.
It plans to recycle about one million PET bottles per month and recycle more than 200 tons of plastic waste in 2019, which has caused a sensation in the supermarket chain and pharmacy retail industry for several weeks. Aris, head of product and social projects, said: This is an extremely long journey from idea to realization. Technology and certification are also a long process. For this reason, the project depends largely on the partner.
Koberas, head of sales for the Nordic region, commented: 'We have implemented very fast developments and worked together to develop the right solution. The system's suppliers can get more than 4,000 bottles at the same time through their overall consulting concept and bottle shape. Design experience was introduced into the project. 'Because of the use of 100% recycled materials, there are no special obstacles and challenges. Due to the darkness of the materials, these preforms are easier to heat than PET bottles made from the original materials, so they are more productive. Easy. '