Do you want to quit sugar during weight loss?

It is helpful to lose weight for weight loss, so it is best to quit sugar if you can. During the weight loss, the sugar is not completely sweet. The natural fructose like fruit can still be eaten.
Although it cannot be concluded, 'weight loss' is often listed as one of the major by-products of sugar ban. Sugar is not only nutritious, but also promotes the secretion of 'hungry hormones', which can stimulate appetite, lead to too much, or not eat. The things that go on will also be eaten hard. In addition, too much sugar will increase calorie intake. Drink only 3 cups of sugared black tea a day, and the calorie intake can reach 92 kcal (24 g sugar = 6 blocks) Sugar)! Unconsciously, the total calorie intake in a day has reached 5%, and the recommended intake of sugar per day is 30 grams. This amount is very suitable. Limiting the intake of sugar will reduce the calorie intake without nutrition. Excessive intake of calories.
The sugar-removing and low-GI diets are simple, but once they are implemented, they will find that the mines in various foods are everywhere. If you don’t do enough homework, it’s easy to be overwhelmed in the face of three meals a day. I don't know what to eat, I don't know which ones I can eat and I can't eat. There are even a lot of sisters who don't eat staple foods in order to be afraid of fat. This is not quite right. I hope everyone can eat too much during the weight loss and sugar-free period.
How to quit sugar during weight loss
During the weight loss period, you don't need to be too anxious, especially for girls who like to eat sweets. The more you lose weight, the more you are eager to achieve. The more you control the desire to eat sugar, the final effect will be counterproductive. Take the following steps to quit sugar:
The first step: take out the hidden sugar

Some foods don't feel sweet when eaten, but the sugar content is high. Glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose, honey and corn syrup are all sugars. The more ingredients are placed in front of the food ingredients list, The higher the content. Avoid high-sugar diets. The first thing to do is not to choose these delicious foods that add sugar. Be sure to learn to look at the food labels so that even the invisible sugar in the packaged food can be picked up. Second, Don't add extra sugar to your hot drinks and foods. It can also make you eat less sugar. Cooking should also pay attention to avoid sweet and sour, braised, etc., and adding sugar not only increases sugar intake, but also Covering the taste of salt, inadvertently increase the salt intake.
Step 2: Don't quit
For people who like sweets, it's really hard to quit, it's really hard to do it step by step. So, if you can't resist the temptation occasionally, eat a little muffin or a piece of chocolate, don't feel that you have failed to stop sugar. To continue to be confident and persistent, believe that low-sugar diets are far better than our dependence on high-sugar diets. After you reduce your sugar intake for a few weeks, you will find: Intrinsic and external body Some changes, these changes will make you no longer want a high sugar meal, encourage yourself to stick to it.
The third step: the regret of probiotics to make up less sugar
Sugar plays a very important role in the ecology of the human gut. The unbalanced gut flora has a huge demand for sugar, and this demand becomes even worse when you don't consume sugar at all. In some cases, completely avoiding sugar in the diet will lead to nutrient deficiencies and increase the number of harmful bacteria in the intestine. A better way to kill harmful bacteria in the body is to regularly consume probiotics such as yogurt, cheese, kimchi and other foods. A variety of probiotics.
Step 4: Suppress your desire for sugar

When you start to reduce the sugar intake in your diet, it may increase your need for sweets. Don't be too indulgent at this time, use other foods instead of sweets, such as low-sugar vegetables, fruits, etc.
Step 5: More protein when you are hungry
Sometimes we feel hungry, it may be that the body is in desperate need of protein supply, not sugar. High protein foods decompose slowly, and the long time remaining in the digestive tract makes our satiety stronger, such as meat and eggs, beans. Classes and nuts. For vegetarians, pay special attention to foods containing vegetable protein such as beans.